Petri Nets at Modelling and Control of Discrete-Event Systems Containing Nondeterminism - Part 1


  • František Čapkovič Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava


Analysing, control synthesis, controlled Petri nets, discrete-event systems, interpreted Petri nets, modelling, labelled Petri nets, place/transition Petri nets, timed Petri nets, uncertainty, unobservable/uncontrollable transitions


Discrete-Event Systems are discrete in nature, driven by discrete events. Petri Nets are one of the mostly used tools for their modelling and control synthesis. Place/Transitions Petri Nets, Timed Petri Nets, Controlled Petri Nets are suitable when a modelled object is deterministic. When the system model contains uncontrollable/unobservable transitions and unobservable/unmeasurable places or other failures, such kinds of Petri Nets are insufficient for the purpose. In such a case Labelled Petri Nets and/or Interpreted Petri Nets have to be used. Particularities and mutual differences of individual kinds of Petri Nets are pointed out and their applicability to modelling and control of Discrete-Event Systems are described and tested.


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Author Biography

František Čapkovič, Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

Discrete Processes Modelling and Control Associate Professor




How to Cite

Čapkovič, F. (2018). Petri Nets at Modelling and Control of Discrete-Event Systems Containing Nondeterminism - Part 1. Computing and Informatics, 37(5), 1258–1292. Retrieved from