Quantifying Productivity of Individual Software Programmers: Practical Approach


  • Mehmet Suleyman Unluturk Department of Software Engineering, Yasar University, Izmir
  • Kaan Kurtel Department of Software Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir


programmer productivity quantification, personal software process, software measurement,


Software measurement is a crucial part of a good software engineering. Software developers quantify the software to see if the use cases are complete, if the analysis model is consistent with requirements and if the code is ready to be tested. Software project managers assess the software process and the software product to determine if it is going to be finished on time and within budget. Customers evaluate the final product if it meets their needs. Overall, the main purpose of software engineering is to make software systems controllable and foreseeable, activities with a solid method rather than intuitional, complicated or unprincipled. Software measurement studies are about quantifying the software engineering entities and attributes, both of which aim to support software development efforts and quality improvement. In this paper, we quantify a set of relationships using the current size, defect and object-oriented software metrics practically and pragmatically. Our paper proposes a method to measure the productivity of individual software programmers. Furthermore, this method provides a common opinion for understanding, controlling and improving the software engineering practices.


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How to Cite

Unluturk, M. S., & Kurtel, K. (2016). Quantifying Productivity of Individual Software Programmers: Practical Approach. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 34(4), 959–972. Retrieved from https://www.cai.sk/ojs/index.php/cai/article/view/969