Z Logic and its Consequences


  • Martin C. Henson
  • Steve Reeves
  • Jonathan P. Bowen


Formal methods, specification language, logic, Z


This paper provides an introduction to the specification language Z from a logical perspective. The possibility of presenting Z in this way is a consequence of a number of joint publications on Z logic that Henson and Reeves have co-written since 1997. We provide an informal as well as formal introduction to Z logic and show how it may be used, and extended, to investigate issues such as equational logic, the logic of preconditions, the issue of monotonicity and both operation and data refinement.


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How to Cite

Henson, M. C., Reeves, S., & Bowen, J. P. (2012). Z Logic and its Consequences. Computing and Informatics, 22(3-4), 381–415. Retrieved from https://www.cai.sk/ojs/index.php/cai/article/view/461