Adaptive Optimal Dynamic Control for Nonholonomic Systems
In this paper two different control methods are combined for controlling a typical nonholonomic device (a bicycle) the dynamic model and parameters of which are only approximately known. Most of such devices suffer from the problem that the time-derivatives of the coordinates of their location and orientation cannot independently be set so an arbitrarily prescribed trajectory cannot precisely be traced by them. For tackling this difficulty Optimal Control is proposed that can find acceptable compromise between the tracking error of the various coordinates. Further problem is that the solution proposed by the optimal controller cannot exactly be implemented in the lack of precise information on the dynamic model of the system. Based on the decoupled nature of the dynamic model of the longitudinal and lateral behavior of the engine special fixed point transformations are proposed to achieve adaptive tracking. These transformations were formerly successfully applied for the control of holonomic systems. It is the first time that the combined method is checked for various trajectories and dynamic model errors via simulation. It yielded promising results.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tar, J. K., & Rudas, I. J. (2012). Adaptive Optimal Dynamic Control for Nonholonomic Systems. Computing and Informatics, 28(3), 339–351. Retrieved from