Optimal Pedestrian Path Planning in Evacuation Scenario


  • Tomáš Kasanický Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 07 Bratislava
  • Ján Zelenka Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 07 Bratislava


Particular irregular cellular automata, path planning, evacuation


Simulation of evacuation plans is a relatively complex problem. It is necessary to simulate a number of separate processes which interact in the result. Namely, they are pedestrian-pedestrian interactions, pedestrian-static object (e.g. wall) interactions and pedestrian-environment (fire, smoke, etc.) interactions. In this case, the evacuation simulation is controled on the microscopic level. Microscopic level considers each individual separately and pedestrian is planning his/her path to the exit with regard to the above-mentioned interactions. In this article we focus on path planning during evacuation and describe algorithms applied in this area. At the end we propose a method of the space evaluation with linear time complexity and planned path compared with commercial software tools.


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How to Cite

Kasanický, T., & Zelenka, J. (2015). Optimal Pedestrian Path Planning in Evacuation Scenario. Computing and Informatics, 33(6), 1269–1287. Retrieved from https://www.cai.sk/ojs/index.php/cai/article/view/2814



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