Automated Transformation of Sequential Divide-And-Conquer Algorithms into Parallel Programs


  • B. Freisleben
  • T. Kielmann


Divide-and-conquer algorithms obtain the solution to a given problem by dividing it into subproblems, solving these recursively and combining their solutions. In this paper we present a system that automatically transforms sequential divide-and-conquer algorithms written in the C programming language into parallel code which is then executed on message-passing multicomputers. The user of the system is expected to add only a few annotations to an existing sequential program. The strategies required for transforming sequential source code to executable binaries are discussed. The performance speedups attainable will be illustrated by several examples.


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How to Cite

Freisleben, B., & Kielmann, T. (2012). Automated Transformation of Sequential Divide-And-Conquer Algorithms into Parallel Programs. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 14(6), 579–596. Retrieved from